Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jackson with Friends

  One of the good things about working for Mad River, your friends/family come to visit because you live in an awesome place and your job is awesome.
 We had the chance to show my family around last week and take a little time off work which is always nice. And because the first hotel room they got was pretty much the same size as our trailer, they upgraded to a nicer, bigger one in the village for the second half of the week. Which meant an oven and a jacuzzi and a pool! And a couch that Travis and I slept on for a couple of the nights. Aside from all the fun perks, it was super nice to have my family in town and get to see them for a few days. I didn't realize how much I missed them till then!

Saturday, Terel and Rachael came to visit again, this time to actually go rafting before Terel starts his big-boy job in Twin Falls. I had originally taken the day off to go rafting with Alex(bearman) and Brandon Davidson (who won a free rafting trip off of James' Instagram page) but changed my plans and ended up babysitting Hudson while the Nichols went down the river. It was kinda fun taking him on the bus(although we got crap for it from some unnamed people) with everyone fawning over him. Travis and I took him to the grocery store with us to get some lunch and everybody kept commenting on Hudson and asking us if it was our first baby and how old he was and what he weighed, etc. We played along for the most part pretending he was our baby..haha. But it was nice to be able to give him back to his parents after a few hours. I can't wait to have kids, but man are they a lot of work. And I can't even imagine having two at once...dang my mother is a saint.

That same night was the infamous Mystical Creatures + Tacos employee party. We had been trying to devise plans to skip the party all day(beer and mystical creatures aren't exactly my kind of party). We even almost drove back to Idaho with Terel and Rachael after their rafting trip just to take their niece to the airport in Boise. After talking to a few other people about the party we gave in and decided to go look for a costume or at least some article of clothing that could count for a mystical creature of some sort. We ended up exploring shops downtown and found ourselves in a Patagonia store. The moment we stepped into the store I heard my name. I turned around to see Alex Bearman and her husband. They had been wandering around downtown wondering what to do for the night and, to Travis' delight, wanted to go look at bike shops around town. Long story short, they got local tour guides for the night and we got a reason for ditching the party. 

We perused a few bike shops(and a dollar tree at Brandon's request) then made our way to the village to try and ride the gondola. On the way there we saw a HUGE moose right off the road! Finally! I had never seen a moose on "moose road" until that night so it was a good start. We went on a little hike in the preserve then ended the night with burgers from D.O.G around 11. Thank goodness for their strange hours(10pm-3am)! I'm not sure if it was just because of the empty stomachs we were running on but it was one of the best burgers I've ever tasted. Definitely worth the eight bucks.

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