Thursday, August 4, 2016

Goodbye Trailer, Hello House

  As of today, we officially are paying rent on a house in Rexburg. THE house in Rexburg(aka Terel and Rachael's old house). I'm so excited and grateful and relieved that we got it. It just meets so many of the requirements we were looking for and it's literally right down the street from the school. The downside is we aren't moving into said house until September...which means a whole month's rent in the toilet. Lame. But it was worth it.

The drive to Rexburg....gorgeous.
Our cute little house!

  On the plus side....our last day of work at Mad River is less than two weeks away! Which is a little sad too, don't get me wrong, but I can't wait to go back to Arizona for a little while and catch up with everyone and enjoy the warm for a little while. Plus, the end of work here equals the start of our super, awesome road trip down the west coast! Full of all kinds of gorgeousness and coolness and deliciousness.
  Until then, we'll work our butts off and earn some money before we go to Idaho. Here's to the last week of work!

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