Sunday, August 21, 2016

Twenty one.

Had an interesting night of sleep(or lack there-of)yesterday.. I would blame it on my sporadic sleep schedule but given the other factors that were present I think it's safe to say that wasn't the only cause. Travis and I had just returned from dinner and we were laying in bed when I heard some tapping noises by our door. At first I ignored them, thinking it was just my imagination. When I heard it again a little louder I asked Travis if he heard anything but he only confirmed again that I was imagining things. A few minutes passed by and I heard the noise again, only this time it was accompanied by squeaks...there was no imagining this time. Even Travis heard it. 
A mouse. 
Gross. After a few moments of silence we decided that it was probably just outside. But after hearing it again from what seemed to be underneath our closet and then underneath the sink we decided otherwise..which put me into a little bit of a panic-mode. How did a mouse get into our trailer and more importantly where is it?? I made Travis get up and look but after several minutes of failed findings he finally gave up and said it was probably under our floorboards and he would look for it tomorrow. Sick. So there is the number one reason why I didn't sleep last night. Number two...drunk Emily. I was finally starting to drift off, still trying to ignore the tapping sounds of the mouse around me, when Emily shows up, back from her night out. I'm not sure what exactly even happened but it involved lots of crying and yelling and loud noises. After about 15 minutes of that episode it quieted down again and I started to fall asleep again. And finally, number three. We had decided that night, to try sleeping on the "table" bed  instead of our actual mattress...not the greatest idea. It was softer than our mattress for sure but the cushions kept sliding out from underneath us..all night long. I don't know why we didn't just move onto our bed after them falling off so many times. Lazy. Nevertheless we survived the night. And as far as I can tell, the mouse is gone...

In other news..I'm now 21!!! Crazy.
My birthday went like this:
Sleepover at our house in Rexburg, Cap'n Crunch and Shrek, Denny's at midnight for breakfast(because hello, free birthday food), late night walks, a hike to Strawberry Lake, snack at taco time, ice cream in Afton, dinner at the noodle kitchen and a beautiful new winter jacket..courtesy of Travis. (Yes the day centered a lot on food but it was my birthday, you're supposed to eat good food.)
 It was the first time I've ever spent my birthday apart from Melissa so that was a little weird, but it was a great day overall. We'll probably hit up a bar or something together when I get to Arizona..maybe haha. Plus I got my own birthday song this year so that was a first!

Our time in Jackson is quickly coming to a close. And I'm so excited..a little sad too..but mostly excited for what lies ahead. The past week, we spent some time exploring some of the trails in the snake river canyon and found berries along the trail by the creek! Most of them were raspberries of different kinds with a few mystery berries that we decided weren't worth our time. We also had dinner with the boss and the Denhalters on Sunday. Mary made delicious Swiss food consisting of cheesy noodles, saucy meat, and fresh green beans. Delicious. 

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