Monday, August 29, 2016

Summer Road Trip: Part 1

Day 1: Jackson to Twin Falls. Spent the night at Terel and Rachael's new house. We ate at Sharis Pies with them and Gio that night around ten and laughed harder than I have in a long time. You know, the ugly crying laughter..

Day 2: Twin Falls to Olympia. We attempted to go to church that next morning with Rachael and Terel but showed up an hour early because it was stake conference that day so we just took off and headed to grandma's house. Made a stop in Boise to explore the State Capitol, which was sweet and another stop in Oregon for gas. I forgot to tell Travis that in Oregon you can't pump your own gas..and he told the gas attendant to go away haha.
Finally got to grandma's where we ate like kings. She and Ferrell had picked several gallons of blackberries and made all kinds of creations which included blackberry syrup over icecream for dessert🍧

Teaching grandma how to use the selfie stick..again haha.

Day 3: The next morning we woke up to the smell of blackberry pancakes. Grandma wanted to get an early start so we could make it to Hells Canyon. After a terrifying two hour drive we finally made it to hat point lookout. The views were definitely impressive but nothing like the grand canyon people compared it to. We had a late lunch with the grandparents then got back on the road making our way to Washington and Mount Ranier. Our main destination was The Grove of the Patriarchs. I think it's safe to say it was the prettiest place we'd been thus far. I wish we would have planned to spend more time there but unfortunately we had other plans. We decided to stop and get a cheap hotel in Olympia for the night instead of driving to Seattle. Worth it.


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