Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Lobster and Fireworks

  Paddleboards, barbecues and fireworks. Sounds like the perfect Fourth of July..amiright? The idea was great. The day was great. It may not have been executed quite as perfectly as we would have liked it to, but it was a day well spent and one to remember.  I did miss all the annual pool parties and warm nights that normally come with the Fourth but it was a fun change of scenery.

  Since Travis got stuck working on the Fourth, I spent the day on the bus with him. We borrowed Mad River's boards and drove down the the Palisades Lake in Idaho. Sooo much warmer than all the other lakes and rivers around Jackson. We had planned to do a BBQ at Camille and Andrew's place that night but by the time we made it to their cabin everyone was done and we ended up eating by ourselves.We also missed the first 5 minutes of the fireworks and ended up watched them in an alleyway by ourselves haha. What we really should've done is gone paddleboarding during the fireworks... Next year. After fireworks I gave Trav a haircut and we finished off the night with some movie snuggling in our trailer.

My cute bus driver!

 Earlier that same weekend, we had our annual Lobster Dinner at Mad River and somehow Travis convinced me to eat said lobster. Let's just say I'm glad I didn't pay for it too. It wasn't bad but it wasn't exactly what I would call good. A lot of work for tiny amounts of food. 

  That same week, we also had the big chamber mixer at Mad River for all the local businesses. Basically a big party with lots of food and people you don't know that you're forced to mingle with. But the ribs and brownies made it all worth it. Plus, for volunteering to help Annie out all day she gave me a new little backpacking stove and mess kit. Saweet. 

What a man.

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