Monday, November 28, 2016

Light The World

     I've been thinking a lot about priorities lately and the importance they hold. Not only do our activities constitute what our time and thoughts are spent dwelling on, they publicize what exactly we hold dear. If we spend all our time surfing the internet, watching television and taking naps, what message does that send to our spouse or our children? What message does it send our friends or our coworkers? What message does it send our Heavenly Father? If we hold something dear we should make it known. Not that the above activities are inherently bad, but there are better things out there.
In Dallin H Oak's talk Good, Better, Best, he teaches us that, "Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives." I hope to shift the focus of my priorities this week to that of my family and service to others, especially with this Christmas season coming up.

     As Christmas is approaching, I want to make an effort to more fully center my thoughts on the Savior. Christmas can get so hectic and turn from a time to focus on Christ and his gift to a busy time of shopping and Santa. We are encouraged by the church to do an act of service each day of December as a way to become more like the Savior. I am grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and for all that he has done for me and I am grateful for the Christmas season that is so full of love and happiness.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


We've had a fun week with Travis' parents coming into town for Thanksgiving. Visited the new Star Valley temple and got to meet Aunt Julie for the first time. Then Travis and I decided to take the parents to Pizza Pie Café for dinner, because who doesn't eat at a buffet the night before Thanksgiving..?
Thinking about my blessings this week and especially with reading so many things on the importance of mothers, I have had some extra tender feelings for my own mother. She is truly one of my very best friends. David O McKay tells us that, "Motherhood has the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life." I can attest that my mother influenced me for good. I learned so many things from her and still do to this day, even when I'm hundreds of miles away. I am also grateful for such a caring mother-in-law who loves me like one of her own. Mothers have an influence unlike any other. It is no wonder that women are so precious and wonderful when we remember that we are made in the image of our Heavenly Mother. I am grateful for mothers and for their divine nature. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to bear children and become a mother myself one day. I am grateful for my father and for all that he did to provide and care for me. I'm grateful for siblings and for my husband. I'm grateful for friends and for neighbors. I'm grateful for temples, for mountains, and for prophets. I'm grateful that I'm able to spend time with family this Thanksgiving and I'm grateful for the gospel in my life. I'm grateful for my Savior and for his sacrifice for me. I'm grateful for his sacrifice for me and for the chance I have to live with my family for eternity.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Stake Conference: The Family

The past few days have been filled with some wonderful talks and thoughts on the gospel and the family. One of the speakers bore a strong testimony of eternal families. He and his wife had lost their little girl at birth and were devastated. But because they knew about the plan of salvation they were comforted by the fact that she was with our Heavenly Father and Savior and that they would be able to see her again. What a sweet and wonderful knowledge we have as members of the church.

Another woman spoke about an experience at her work. She had a quote attached to the bottom of her emails which read something along the lines of "Children do best when raised in an environment where both a father and a mother are present." Unfortunately, she was asked to remove the quote because it offended some of their clients. Although it saddened her to have to take down the quote, she made a goal to continue supporting the family and standing for what she believed in, even if everyone didn't agree with her. What a great example of standing as a witness of Christ.

As I was studying, I came across this quote that sums up my feelings great.
"Children can be born and raised, sometimes quite successfully, in other than a married two-parent family environment. But on average and in the majority of cases, evidence of the social benefits of marriage and of the comparatively superior outcomes for children in families headed by a married man and woman is extensive." - The Global Flight From the Family(Wall Street).

Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God. It doesn't mean that other marriages can't be successful, but the ideal marriage is between a man and a woman ordained of God. I'm grateful for the knowledge that I have of the gospel and of eternal marriages. I know that families are central to God's plan for us and that we can be with them forever.


A couple weeks ago, we were able to go and spend time in Arizona. We originally planned the trip to attend Brock's wedding but extended it a little longer so that we could see family in both Taylor and Mesa. It was a whirlwind of activities trying to say hi to everyone and attend every activity, but I loved every minute of it. On Halloween, I convinced Travis to dress up with me so we could get $3 burritos from Chipotle. After a few unsuccessful costume ideas, he allowed me to paint his face like an avatar(the blue people). I'd say it turned out pretty good. We ran into Jayrod who ate dinner with us and the fam and then we spent the rest of the night hanging out at Jon and Emilee's with family. Jaylee was terrified of Travis and I because of our face paint. She literally started crying when we walked in the door. I guess it was too good of a job ha.
At the end of the night Travis went upstairs to remove the paint and makeup from his face. He came down informing us that what he thought was makeup remover turned out to be nail polish remover..and subsequently his face was burning. Poor thing.

Back in Rexburg, we were pretty anxious to get the rodeo put back together and running. After hours and hours of working on the car with Trav, I understand why mechanics can have such dirty mouths. It is frustrating! We finally got it fixed, thank goodness. Now I just need to practice driving it..

Thanksgiving is in 7 days, a week, exactly! And Christmas is in 38! Travis thinks I'm crazy for decorating for Christmas already, but we're only going to be here in Rexburg for another few weeks so I want to take advantage it! What we need is a tree...that will be the goal for this next week. Get ourselves a Christmas tree.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Matters Most

I came across this video the other day and love the message that President Monson shares with us. With the busy changes of our lives, we need to focus on what matters most. And that thing is family. Families are forever and we need to treat them as so. I too often get caught up in my own selfish wants and neglect those around me who need my love and friendship. I need to sacrifice some of my own time and in turn, let the spirit guide my actions. I also love the quote President Monson included by Shakespeare, "They do not love, that do not show their love." Go express your love for a family member or a friend. It need not be in person. A phone call, a text, a note or letter work just as well. It doesn't take much time or effort but it does make a difference and it does matter. "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved."


It's finally Christmas season, my favorite time of the year! It always seems to go by too fast. And that may be because of how much I t...