Monday, November 28, 2016

Light The World

     I've been thinking a lot about priorities lately and the importance they hold. Not only do our activities constitute what our time and thoughts are spent dwelling on, they publicize what exactly we hold dear. If we spend all our time surfing the internet, watching television and taking naps, what message does that send to our spouse or our children? What message does it send our friends or our coworkers? What message does it send our Heavenly Father? If we hold something dear we should make it known. Not that the above activities are inherently bad, but there are better things out there.
In Dallin H Oak's talk Good, Better, Best, he teaches us that, "Some things are better than good, and these are the things that should command priority attention in our lives." I hope to shift the focus of my priorities this week to that of my family and service to others, especially with this Christmas season coming up.

     As Christmas is approaching, I want to make an effort to more fully center my thoughts on the Savior. Christmas can get so hectic and turn from a time to focus on Christ and his gift to a busy time of shopping and Santa. We are encouraged by the church to do an act of service each day of December as a way to become more like the Savior. I am grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and for all that he has done for me and I am grateful for the Christmas season that is so full of love and happiness.

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