Sunday, May 27, 2018


I know that Heavenly Father knows my weaknesses, but sometimes I forget that Satan knows them too. And he uses them.
At church today, we had Ward Conference and Hunt was being fussy so I stood in the hallway straining to hear most of the time.
But one of the things that President Robinson talked about was Faith. He reminded us that faith is a choice and that if we aren't choosing to have faith, our testimony diminishes and we are left unprotected by the spirit making it really easy for Satan to drag us down quickly with our weaknesses.
Self-doubt is a weakness for me. I wish it wasn't but it is, so I'm striving to turn it into a strength. I'm not the most outgoing person and it can be hard for me to make friends. I often let Satan put thoughts into my head about what others think of me and thus what I begin to think about myself.
I have to remember that my Savior loves me and that these things I'm thinking really are not true. We can be comforted by reading the scriptures, pondering the words of our prophet, and feeling the deep love and devotion of our spouse, family and friends.

President Robinson also spoke on apathy..which is a really sad word. By definition, it means lack of passion or joy in things that normally bring joy.
It is something I know I am guilty of on many occasions. I find myself remembering the "Good Better Best" talk often, thinking that I could be doing things that are so much better, but not always choosing to do them. It's usually just a small choice, but over and over we hear of the small choices that can add up and lead to big changes, both good and bad. Lets get back to the best choices. They start out small. Pick one thing you can be the best at and keep that standard high. Then slowly move all your choices to good to better to best. It won't happen overnight but it will eventually happen. 

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