Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Some Past Adventures

Playing catch-up: A few of the adventures Travis and I have been on lately.
Brown's Peak Details:
Travel buddies: Melissa and Scott. Vehicle: chop-top explorer (with Scott driving..)
Summary: We left Friday night so we could hike Saturday morning. A few bumped heads and several cracked eggs later we made it to the trail head where we camped for the night. Needless to say it was an exciting ride. Slept in hammocks and made it a quick hike to the top the next morning. It was a night and day difference from the last time Travis and I hiked Brown's Peak. We could actually see this time! And neither of us were sniffly or using the other for a tissue.
Humphrey's Details: Travel Buddies: James and Caitlyn(and maggie). Vehicle: James' cute new jeep Cherokee.
Summary: This trip was pretty freaking cold. But awesome. Hiking in the snow was a new experience for me. Travis and I did it in regular old tennis shoes so we had soaking wet feet by the end. Luckily for me I had wool socks on so my feet stayed pretty warm despite the wet snow. Travis not so lucky. James gets altitude sickness pretty bad so we almost turned around and went back a couple times, but he ended up pushing through to the end(well pretty much the end). The top of the mountain was sooo cold with the wind chill. It made it almost unbearable. And the false peaks got pretty disheartening after number five or six. We ended up getting about a half mile from the top(to one of the peaks) and calling it good. The cold was just too much for most of us. Travis decided to finish to the top by himself(and I'm still kicking myself for not just joining him) then catch up with us on the way down. It was definitely a hike for the books. Once we made it down, we rewarded ourselves with some much needed thai food in Flagstaff.
Peppersauce/oracle/mud caves details:
Travel buddy: Brock. Vehicle: The Civic.
Summary: Had a fun little third-wheeling party with Brock. Explored a good amount of the cave and had a glow stick fight in one of the small back rooms. It was a pretty short lived trip because Brock needed to be back for something but worth the drive.

That view,

I don't know why we can't take a normal picture.
Made some pretty sweet jack-o-lanterns. 
On the peak.
Sooo pretty. And sooo cold.

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