Monday, September 3, 2018

Catwalk Recreation Area, NM

Last minute vacation anyone? I think this roadtrip was thrown together in about 2 days, I chalk it up to our indecisiveness but we can say spontaneity to make it sound better.

Travis had been trying to plan a trip to Catwalk Recreation Area for a while and now I see why. Talk about unique! The catwalk itself was a walkway suspended above the river that meandered through the canyon for about a mile. Super cool. At the end of the walkway the canyon continues for miles. We, with some encouragement/bribing, led the family up the riverbed to explore the narrow canyon for several hours. We crawled over boulders, across logs, and down narrow slots which became quite the adventure with a baby in tow. Occasionally we saw sections of the old catwalk which were destroyed by flash floods years ago. I'd say the best find was a waterfall hidden behind a rockface that Travis, my dad and I found at our turnaround point in the canyon. 

We stayed the night about an hour from the Catwalk in a little house. To give you an idea of the place, it was labeled "Class A dump" by one of the previous vacationers. I don't know that I would be that harsh. Quirky or funky sure, but dump probably not. We had dinner at the only restaurant open in town and went to bed early. 

We had planned to spend the next day or two in Show Low with Grandma but after sacrament meeting, Jessica received word that her mission call had arrived at the house. So they drove home, sent out an invite, and opened it that night. Can you tell she was excited? Before driving home to the party, Travis and I stopped at his parents house for dinner but we left a little later than planned. As we left Payson, we realized that we probably didn't have enough gas to get home. But Travis, being the ever optimistic, "we can make it" kind of guy, decided that we were going to try anyway. Plus we were on the clock, if we turned back for gas now we would miss her mission call opening. So nervously, praying all the way, we made our way to usery pass road..where our gas tank read 0 miles to empty.. Then we kept driving for several more miles...still reading 0 miles to empty..until we finally made it to the gas station on Brown and Ellsworth. We again prayed and thanked our Heavenly Father and made it to the mission call opening only 5 minutes late. Not too shabby. I'm so thankful Heavenly Father answers prayers even when they come from such imperfect children.

By the way Jessica is going to be serving in the Washington Tacoma Mission and I couldn't be more excited for her!)

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