Tuesday, May 10, 2016


About a month ago, Travis and I decided to go on a kayaking/camping trip. We had originally planned on going to Canyon Lake and staying the night there but as we drove through, realized there weren't many real places to camp, so we continued driving to Apache Lake and figured we would camp somewhere in between the two lakes. We found a pretty decent looking spot and drove down the dirt road for a while. There was one good camp spot but we kept driving to see if there was anything better. As Travis turned around a corner our headlights shined on what looked like a huge pile of trash. At first I was thinking, why would someone leave that out here, as we drove a little further we both silently realized it was more than just a big trash pile. Yeahhh...pretty sure it was a hobo hideout. And with that creepy feeling we continued our drive further to get some distance between us and the hobos(it really was creepier than it sounds). We ended up passing Apache Lake and driving down the long twisty dirt road to Roosevelt Lake. There really weren't any other turnoffs that we could camp out at. After what seemed like forever, we made it to Roosevelt Lake. Stopped for a bathroom break and admired the dam, then continued our search for a camp spot. We finally found a spot that was far enough away from the road and set up camp in our little van. The original plan was to kayak to a spot and camp there but it was way too late at that point. We made a quick dinner and ended up falling asleep not too long after that. The next morning we didn't even use the kayaks so the trip was sort of a bust, but I would do it all over again. It's those kind of things that make memories and turn trips into adventures.
This was the only picture we got from the trip. Lets just say it was a tight squeeze to get those things in there.
Some senior pics I shot of Jess
Mother's Day minus Melissa.
Love my Trav.
A race to the car for shotgun didn't turn out as I anticipated..poor shirt.
Pool time with Shelly's kids a few Saturdays ago. We babysat all day while she went to a dental convention. At the end of the day Travis told me he never wanted kids..haha, funny.
Arizona Science Center
My cute baby after surgery. He was a little loopy but nothing like his last surgery.
A day of disc golf at emerald park.
Feeding ducks in the irrigated backyard. I didn't want Trav to leave the house much after the surgery and he was restless so we resorted to this. The dang ducks didn't even eat any of the bread we threw(and there was a lot of it) so there's probably clumps of bread all over the yard now..oops. Don't tell grandpa.
Finally getting the stitches taken out of his hand..hallelujah!

(P.S. Some of these pictures were taken by the beautiful new camera that the padres did finally give to us. Woohoo!)

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