Saturday, October 22, 2016


Did some exploring this weekend along with a photoshoot as seen below. This is the first time I've actually experienced a true Fall and I'm loving it! Stumbled upon our first snow of the season up in the Targhee forest. The tree tops were frosted and the ground had a light layer of fresh was magical really. Too bad it can't stay like this for the rest of the year.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Identities and Geothermals

Studies from this week led me to some essential and wonderful truths on the eternal identities of men and women. Growing up, I had always considered myself a "tomboy". I wanted to play with the boys and get dirty and wear dragon t-shirts everyday. In today's world, and with different, less righteous parents, I probably would've been pushed to explore that opposite gender. To consider, since I preferred what were deemed "boy" tendencies and activities, that maybe I came here in the wrong body. That really, I was meant to be a boy. Children are even taught in schools today that there are hundreds of different types of genders and that, you should experiment to figure out which one fits you best. And that couldn't be more wrong.

We are all born with different likes, dislikes, tendencies and challenges here on earth. These include gender confusion and same-sex attraction. The adversary uses them to confuse and upset the plan that our Heavenly Father created for us. But we are blessed to know that gender is an essential characteristic of pre-mortal, mortal and eternal identity and purpose. It is rooted deeply inside of us and will dictate not only our own lives, but the lives of our spouses and children.

As a woman, femininity is part of my inner beauty. Possessing the virtue of femininity does not mean that you have to love playing dress up, wear makeup and adore the color pink. Every woman on earth possesses the innate virtue of femininity, it just presents itself in different ways.  It finds expression in your capacity to love, your spirituality, delicacy, radiance, sensitivity, creativity, charm, graciousness, gentleness, dignity, and quiet strength" (President James E. Faust).

I'm grateful for the knowledge that I have of this gospel and for the joy that I find in my divine nature. I'm grateful for a wonderful mother who taught me what a woman should be and for a father who respected and protected women.
West Thumb
Bighorn sheep at the elk refuge!
Took a day trip to Yellowstone last week and went the touristy route this time. We hit up every major geyser and geothermal and sat foreverr in a typical "bison jam." On our way home, we stopped by Jackson and reminisced about the good old trailer days.  And as fun as our time living in Jackson was , I'm so grateful for the house we live in now.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Empty Houses, Rainy Days, and Prophets of God

It's been a lonely few days at the house. Travis got called to work an overnight charter again from Friday to Monday which means I watched conference by myself. Luckily, I got to see him and spend the night with him two of the three nights by some chance. I'm so grateful for my husband and the things he does for me. I'm lucky to be his wife and to get to spend eternity with him. Eternity. Sometimes I don't think I fully comprehend or appreciate the beauty of that word.
I was studying some teachings that really stood out to me and touched my heart the other day and wanted to share them. We know that the family is central to the Father's plan, these words come straight from the Proclamation given to us by prophets and apostles over 20 years ago. Something that I never really put much thought into was the fact that we can only continue our families in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. Nowhere else will families exist. How crazy is that? That realization made me evaluate my life and the progress I was making. If I want to be with my family forever I need to make achieving celestial glory my highest priority.
That may seem like a lofty goal, but we can start small. Eternal families aren't constructed by grandiose deeds, they require consistent, daily affirmations of faith and love. They require striving and encouraging, praising and teaching. Repentance will be necessary and forgiveness a common practice. But with faith we will be able to qualify for all the blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for us, including eternal life with our families.

"Every major decision should be based on the effect it will have on a family to qualify for life with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ." - Henry B. Eyring


It's finally Christmas season, my favorite time of the year! It always seems to go by too fast. And that may be because of how much I t...