Friday, October 23, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like...not summer

Finally moving into the Wintry (and by wintry I mean no more 110 degree weather) months of the year, which also means time for my favorite holidays, namely Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!
With such nice weather, Travis, Scott, Melissa and I decided play a little frisbee golf and enjoy the outdoors. We've been to several of the courses by our house and wanted to try something a little different so we drove out to a park in Chandler for something new. The course was pretty cool, had some fun aspects like culverts and hills and canals. Travis ended up beating us all. By a lot. Scott came close but I think he may have told me some questionable scores on some of the holes...regardless we had fun.
I also had the opportunity to go to the temple and do baptisms this past week. Originally, I thought I was meeting the relief society women there for temple night but apparently they decided to come later and somehow I never got the memo. Which meant temple night all by myself.  Don't get me wrong I love going to the temple with my friends and family but there's something special about being there all by yourself without any other people or distractions whatsoever. Just you, the temple workers and the Lord. I love being able to disconnect from the world for a little while and feel the peace that that Holy building brings. Seriously can't wait till I can finally go through the temple for myself and be sealed to my husband for all eternity.
Gone on lots of little adventures/dates lately with Travis. We went and explored downtown mesa yesterday and found this old bookshop with books on almost any topic you can think of. It had the fancy roll-y ladders, the old paper smell, the cute elderly store owner, pretty much everything you could want out of a little bookstore. Travis also took me fishing for the first time at a lake in Gilbert. Sadly, we didn't catch a fish. So that's still on the list. (We actually tried to go fishing before this a few months ago up in Payson but we had a fishing pole malfunction so that didn't exactly happen.) With Halloween so close, we decided to experiment with some halloween-y treats and settled on "poison" toffee apples. Basically they're caramel apples but we dye them black and the candy shell is hard. Neither of us realized that they were toffee apples instead of caramel apples until after we cooked it so they turned out a little harder than we thought. Like, I think it would've broke my tooth if I bit into it, hard. But they looked pretty cool so I'd say we succeeded. 
My cute pioneer..(hopefully he doesn't see this haha)
The phrase "shop til you drop"...yeah it's real. 
I like dress shopping and all but when it turns into a 5 hour ordeal, that's when I bow out.
Found some new playground equipment. "Is this how you use it?" haha
It finally stopped being 100+ degrees everyday. Hallelujah.
We're obviously pros. Just look at that form.
What?? These ladder things actually exist?

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