Saturday, October 12, 2013

Make up Day and a Party

Today was quite the day! We had makeup lessons because of vacation last week, so we had to teach even though its saturday. It being saturday, our school bus driver didn't come to pick us up So we had to take the city bus. Long story short, we ended up going the opposite direction of where we were supposed to and got lost. By this time we were late for school and had already missed our first lesson, so we had to take a taxi to school. After school, we went to kaiyin and played around with a soccer ball and on the pull up bars. Me and nikki ran for a while around the track and then went home to get ready for a birthday party.
A little girl in one of my classes invited carmen and i to her bday party! We bought her a little present at the store yesterday and wrapped it up in one of the plastic bags I had laying in my room haha..we fixed it up with sparkly ribbon and tissue paper from the school to make it look cuter :)
The party was so fun! Ann's dad picked us up from school along with some of the other chinese teachers and drove us to the party. It was in this super gorgeous area with a lake and tons of trees. We got there and Ann(the bday girl) was out riding a horse along with a couple of other people! It was so cute, she's so tiny! Me and carmen walked down to the fence where they were riding and anns mom asked if I wanted to ride a of course I said yes! They gave me a little helmet and these leg protecter things and then put me on a horse, said a few words in chinese, and handed me the reins. I didn't really know what to do haha! I figured it out eventually but it was the first time i'd ever ridden a horse. Pretty exciting!! After a little while of riding, they fed us cake and dinner! The cake was amazing!!! We got a piece of cheesecake and a piece of chocolate fudge cake...soooo good :)) yum! For dinner we ate sheep, fish, chicken(as well as their feet), intestine soup, and wintermelon. Some interesting things tonight. The sheep was actually pretty good, I drowned it in spicy soy sauce so it tasted delicious :) The chicken was okay, I didn't eat the fish, and the chicken feet tasted like..well feet. I don't even understand how people eat them...its like all bone. Gross things. The intestine soup didn't taste bad, it just grossed me out knowing what it was. The wintermelon was good. It tasted kind of like a cucumber and squash mixed together. We rode home with yannis and his mom after the party. It was weird being in a car again..I'm so used to other forms of transportation like buses trains and subways. It was nice to be in a normal car again. We're making french toast and egg sandwiches tomorrow morning for breakfast! Yum!!! Im so excited :)) Should be delicious!

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