Friday, September 20, 2013

Polka Dots and Flowers

I haven't posted anything in a while so this is gunna be a mash of everything lately.

I don't think I've talked about church yet. We don't have a branch that close to us so we skype in every week. Everyone meets in the girls' apartment below us. There's probably about thirty of us total(from our school and kaiyin). We do get to have sacrament every week thankfully, there are some guys at Kaiyin that bless and pass it. And this Sunday we got to go to real church! There was a district meeting so we drove down on a bus for two hours went to church. And they fed us the best food!! It was a huge hot dog and potato salad and coleslaw and tons of cookies and treats. It was the first time I was too full to eat anymore in china.

 Last week we went to a chinese spa..let's just say it wasn't as relaxing as I thought it was going to be. We decided that it would be cool to try cupping (it's a kind of chinese therapy..a painful kind) Not the best decision..haha but exciting nonetheless. Last tuesday was teacher's day so we got loaded with presents. I got probably 20 bouquets and flowers and a bunch of cards and chocolate from the kids :) I even got a couple happy birthday cards hahaha..the parents probably just saw the first card with english and bought it, super funny. The school took all of us english teachers and chinese teachers out to dinner that night. It was a super nice restaurant. I tried duck and prawns and this weird hot brown jello( was cow's blood).

We went to a sushi place the other day...I hate sushi. But I found an all bacon roll with rice so it worked out good. (I did try some of the sushi and it wasn't awful, but I still don't enjoy it)

On saturday we went to a water park...sooo cool and way fun! The only bad thing was when we were leaving, we realized that a bunch of our stuff had gotten stolen. Melissa's tablet and Noah's phone and almost everyone's money got stolen. Me and kyle took our backpacks with us everywhere we went so luckily nothing of ours got stolen. I had a feeling that I should probably carry it around with me and I'm so grateful I did. Tender mercies of the spirit. So that was a bummer to the end of a really fun day. The water park was awesome though, we might go again sometime. We did karaoke that night for 4 hours..and it was a lot of fun.

My battlewounds
the chinese police that showed up after the pickpocketing that happened at the water park..they were useless.
hayden and noah sleeping on the bus

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