Sunday, April 29, 2018

Party Party

You know it's a good day when your husband comes home with the sword he found in the parking lot at work.
Haha Travis was so excited. I love his childlike wonder and energy.

We got to party at Melissa's baby shower this past weekend which was adorable as expected. It will be so fun to have cousins so close to each other in age.
Travis took me to a concert at tempe market place Thursday night. They had Sir Sly playing for free which was pretty cool considering how big they've gotten recently. They were an interesting band. Good, just had a strange sound for sure. We left Hunt with Kristin during the concert and though it was nice to just be with Travis, we both missed him so much. It's a weird thing that i didn't truly understand until I had my own baby. No matter how tiresome your child is during the day, you can't stand being apart from them for very long.
We just love him to pieces and would do anything for him.
Snephanie's golden scholar ceremony. Afterwards, we convinced all her friends to ditch lunch and come eat with us at cafe rio. Funny how parents change as they grow older. My mom wouldn't have encouraged that when I was in school haha.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Vaccinations and Hard Days

Some days being a mom is just plain hard.
Hunt had his 2 month check up on Tuesday and got 3 shots in his cute, chubby little thighs. Poor baby screamed his head off and I don't blame him.  Needles are no fun.

But Wednesday was the tough day. As hard as it was to watch him be poked, watching him cry all day was worse. The one thing that held his attention was walks. Unfortunately, it was 100° that day so we only got one walk in the morning and after that it was too hot. By the end of the day I was getting frustrated. Hunt just cried and cried and I was ready for Travis to come home. I was probably a little hangry too due to the lack of food in my stomach.

I was pretty done by the time Travis got there and a little snappy. Thankfully I have a sweet husband who loves me and understands me and took Hunt for a little bit. It's literally impossible to stay away from your baby though, especially one this cute. So I snuggled him to sleep and cherished the sweet moments that I have with him while he is still this small. I love being his mama. Even if some days are hard.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Sonic Layover

I love to document. Travis hates it sometimes because the pictures aren't always the most flattering or timely but they usually make for some good laughs later. Key word..later.

Last night we took a little late night drive to Sonic and the gas station to fill up Travis' car before work the next day. We planned on coming straight home so that he could finish his homework for tomorrow's class, but on our way home we hit a little bubble. The car started making a funny sound so we pulled over. Travis opened the hood and saw that we had a blown radiator hose. No bueno. So we called good ol Jayrod who just so happened to be with Melissa and Scott and they came and rescued us. The funny/sad part was that we had put Hunt in footie pajamas before we left and the poor guy was getting hot and sweaty. So we undressed him down to his diaper and he rode back in his carseat pretty much naked. On the plus side we did get our 1/2 price sonic shakes before this all happened..haha.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


I can't believe our baby is already 2 months old! He's grown so big and brought so much joy into our lives. These are the 2 month pictures I took of him today...glamorous I know. 

Here's a recap of the past few weeks with Hunt. 
4 weeks: 
Starting to wear 0-3month clothes and growing out of some of your newborn clothes, mostly the footies!
You love sucking on your fingers and knuckles.  
5 weeks:
Went hiking at four peaks..went halfway to the saddle. you loved it.
Love being worn in a baby carrier.
6 weeks:
Starting to smile at mom and dad
Little coos and gurgles
Holding head up on his own...most of the time
Still sleeping a good 4-5 hours at a time during the night.
7 weeks:
Slept a whole 6 hours one night
Got medicine for acid reflux
Smiling more and more
No more bassinet, sleeping in the pack and play.
8 weeks:
Slept for 7 hours!
Officially grown out of all your newborns
Smiling all the time
9 weeks:
Diarrhea and eczema
Starting to suck your thumb
Rolled over from tummy to back!
First shots and dose of tylenol
Batting at things
Growing out of your 0-3 month clothes


It's finally Christmas season, my favorite time of the year! It always seems to go by too fast. And that may be because of how much I t...