Friday, July 1, 2016

Green paint and green trees

The past week included a visit to Terel and Rachael's house, a visit from Terel and Rachael to our "house", the loss of some facial hair, and lots of exploring.
Saturday morning, Travis had been painting a trailer for KC. Unfortunately, the wind got the best of him and blew half of the paint back onto his body. There was green everywhere..his hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs...etc. He originally wanted me to shave his legs for him..but decided after bathing with acetone that it wasn't necessary. The original purpose of the trip had been to meet with advisors at BYU and go to the temple but life got in the way and neither of those things ended up happening. It was still a good trip, always fun to visit friends and shower in a real house.
My hairy green monster.
Reminiscing. The thai place we ate at had the same candles we used at our wedding. 
He surprised me by shaving off his beard instead of his legs.
Church with the Nichols.
"Go stand by the sign that says Weiner." And Travis thought he married a child.
Freezing water. My toes were numb.
Exploring the pass.

Adventures of Jackson

Woah. The past month has been a blur. From rafting trips to scenic flights to horseback rides to hot spring floats to national park visits we've about done it all. And the pictures are the best part so I'm going to just let them do most of the talking.
Trav and I decided that the most beautiful place we've been to thus far...pending death strawberry creek. The pictures don't do it any justice, but it's gorgeous.
Now Death Canyon...may be the ultimate winner(although we covered way more mileage and actually hiked it as opposed to Strawberry creek so it's not really a fair judgement). Lets just call it a tie and say there's some serious beauty here in Jackson. You've just got to get out and find it. That's one thing I wish was a little more synchronized with Travis and time. Lately our schedules have been complete opposite of each other. So that's lame. But luckily we still find time to explore and hang out together. Now I'll shut up and show you the good stuff.
And now you see why it's called the snake river..
New Star Valley Temple

My little boy..playing with ants



GRANITE HOT SPRINGS(or the road to it)

Tell me this picture doesn't scare you a little.


It's finally Christmas season, my favorite time of the year! It always seems to go by too fast. And that may be because of how much I t...