Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Well, it finally happened. We left Arizona. Now on to our new and crazy life in Jackson Hole. This past week has been jam packed full of non-stop parties, late nights, and adventures..
We went up to Taylor Friday and Saturday to see Travis' parents and drop off all the belongings that didn't make the cut for trailer life in Wyoming. Got to clean the Snowflake temple with them Friday night which took less time than cleaning a church building at home. Saturday night we drove back to Mesa for Jennifer's championship softball game..they won! Woot woot! We also were invited over to Scott and Stacy Hancock's house one night for dinner. Twas delicious. And they're so nice. Scott adores Travis ha. Tuesday was lake day with Jayrod, denim and the fam. Did some tubing, jet skiing and hotdog eating. The next night was Jessica's high school graduation which we kicked off by eating at Oreganos. I always forget how many people are at those things. After graduation, Jessica threw the party of the century for all her graduate friends at our house. No words. Let's just say when I woke up at 7am, at least 10 people were still there. The next day, and our last full one in Arizona for a while, consisted of physical therapy appointments, lake day with the Gibson family (well...lake day with shelly and kristin and the padres), party at the vance's house and lots of goodbyes. We borrowed Chad's kayaks and Kristin rented a couple paddleboards to play on. SUPa fun.(see what I did there?..haha) I miss having them close. We finished the night off with the entire Gibson family having dinner at Cafe Rio(minus Austin and Stacie). It's always interesting when they get together. After a stop by the Vances to say congrats to Brianna and bye to the family, we headed home to pack and get some sleep!
The only real problem we had left for the next day was Travis' van that was sitting in front of my parent' house. Some charity place was supposed to come pick it up but they were pretty bad at communicating and answering our phone calls. So we ended up leaving it there and headed to Utah for our first leg of the drive. (My husband is a saint btw. He drove the entire 1000+ miles it took to get there. I love him.)
Some stopping points on our trip:

  • Horseshoe bend + a Hamburger Joint for dinner
  • Coral Pink Sand Dunes(where we spent a very windy and cold night)
  • Manti Temple
  • Sonic
  • Austin and Stacie's house! So much crazy and so much fun. That's the first real time I've spent with either of them or their kids really for that matter. This part of the trip included game nights, lettuce wraps, park play dates, lots of story-times, late night ice cream seshes, church meetings, movies, and more. Good stop. I'm glad they're moving back to Arizona.

The next part of our drive went a little faster. There weren't really any stops along the way. Which may have been because we were so excited to finally see our new "home" for the next few months. We took a tour of Terel and Rachael's house(which quite possibly, and hopefully will be ours next semester) as well as our trailer. It was pretty late and we were all tired so Thai food and a movie became the only things left on the agenda for the night. The next day was all devoted to the trailer. The main problem we had with it was our bed. I had found a mattress on some Rexburg garage sale site that said full size RV mattress. I figured it would fit in our trailer...but we quickly found out I was wrong. So given we had Terel and Travis on the job, it was only fitting that the poor thing got cut in half and duct taped back together..haha. But, it fit in our trailer and we now sleep on it so I'm not complaining. We also hit up BYU while we were there and talked with a couple counselors about degree options. One of the best things about that stop was going to the Rexburg temple. We just did sealings but it was so nice to be in the temple.
In order to get our trailer to Jackson, we had to rent a u-haul truck. And being that we didn't need to be at work until Saturday morning, and we had to return the u-haul to Rexburg that same day anyway, we decided to spend a couple more nights there at Terel and Rachael's after we dropped off the trailer. We filled those days in Rexburg with movies, good food, and foot golf(aka golf with a soccer ball). It was nice to get more acquainted with the town that we were going to call home for the next year or so in September and spend time with friends.
Aaaand that pretty much sums up our move to Jackson.
Zai Jian.
One last picture with the majestic van. You will be missed.
It was a cloudy day so there was zero sunset which was a real bummer. But it didn't keep us from enjoying ourselves.
It was real early and we didn't get much sleep(hence the tired eyes) but we still documented.
Adorable Aiden.
Which one doesn't belong?
We have fun.


It's finally Christmas season, my favorite time of the year! It always seems to go by too fast. And that may be because of how much I t...