Sunday, December 30, 2018

Happy December

Hiked Wolverine Pass..part of it anyway. What a gorgeous hike. It meanders through mini canyons and across creek beds with a watering hole along the way. Now we have to go back and finish the hike one day.
Travis relishing his beard. How many zip ties can he fit?
Hunt loves the Christmas present we got for Grandma..haha
Donated some vaccinations, pacifiers and food to families in need at the giving machine!
My goofy boys.
                    Teaching Hunt young.
 We played Mary and Joseph (and baby Jesus) for our ward's Christmas program. Sweet experience.
 Christmas Sunday. Hunt was not cooperating for a picture. But the ward gave all the choir members cute little boutonnieres to wear for our program so I had to get a picture.
Christmas! Spent it with Travis' family this year up in Taylor and it snowed Christmas day! 
Poor Hunt also has his first run-in with throw up over the holiday break. It was the saddest thing ever. Especially the couple days after. He was so weak and lethargic and wouldn't eat anything. It scared me that he wasn't getting enough fluids so we had Evan come over and help Travis give him a blessing. So thankful for them and for the priesthood and for a loving and caring Heavenly Father. Hunt slowly regained strength and started to act more like himself over the next few days and what a relief that was. Being a mother to a sick child is heart wrenching. I ached for him and wished with all my heart I could take the sickness for him (and then I got the sickness myself anyway and almost changed my mind..haha). But it truly is one of the hardest things about being a mother. I am grateful for faith and for blessings and for loving family members who help us get through tough times. Even when I overreact. 


It's finally Christmas season, my favorite time of the year! It always seems to go by too fast. And that may be because of how much I t...